بحث مخصص

Thursday, April 10, 2008

keep it for me

for the 1st time from along time i see you happy ,i see you smiling.

I can see it in your eyes
your eyes are shining again

u kept this smile for along time where and why did you keep it?i missed you so much

just today i can say that you came back to me
i can say that we can start over again

oh GOD i wish if i could tell how much i missed you since you had been away
may be you were with me as abody but your soul was some where else

i asked you millions of times what has been changed?i wish if i knew

but i forgot all of this now
so please keep this smile for me
with this smile i can stay with you for ever

with this smile no one can takes me higher

لاول مرة من وقت طويل اوى بشوفك سعيدة وبتبتسمى
انا شايف ده فى عيونك
عيونك بيلمعوا مرة تانية

انتى خبيتى الابتسامة دى وقت طويل اوى فين؟ وليه خبيتها؟
افتقدتك جدا
النهاردة بس اقدر اقول انك رجعتيلى مرة تانيه
النهاردة بس اقدر اقول اننا نقدر نبدأ صفحة جديدة.

ياربى لو اقدر اقولك اد ايه وحشتينى من وقت مابعدتى عنى يمكن كنت موجودة معايا كجسد بس روحك كانت فى مكان تانى.
سألتك ملايين المرات ايه اللى اتغير ؟ومااقدرتش اعرف كان نفسى اعرف.

بس انا خلاص كل ده دلوقتى نسيته
وعلشان خاطرى حافظى على الابتسامة دى
لان بيها اقدر اكمل باقى حياتى معاكى.

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