بحث مخصص

Sunday, June 29, 2008

here is my heart

Here is my heart it is yours so take it
i'm giving it to you.

Fulling in love with you.
Waiting for you.
Dying to hear from you
Being with you all the times day or night
Being with you where ever you are near or far

mad at you

when u find someone dear to your heart,close to you
mad at you
angry with you

and he has no right to do this and act this way

don't say aword to him just look at him
with that look as you are saying to him why why are you doing this

after awhile he is gonna stop and he will appreciate it
because you beared him you had been there for him

ibelieve that next time he is not gonna do this he is gonna think again before he urt you

Monday, June 23, 2008

cheated on me

u cheated on me
you decieved me

you lied to me and you hurt me
give me one reason just once,to convince me

all i wanna is why ?why did you do this to me

after every thing u wanted i gave it you
after i sacrificed every thing for you

don't say any thing just don't because i'm not gonna listen to you
this time it is your turn to listen to me

i had been in a shock since you told me
you had been my life but now you are a stranger in my miserable life

you are not gonna see me or hear from me ever again
i'm setting you free so stay away from me

Friday, June 20, 2008

u are in love

look at me in the eyes from me
you can run but u can't hide

tell me what is the secret.u keep waiting (looking to the door
asking about time,hearing to the phone after recording your calls

reading your messages several times (time after time
so u are in love i knew it don't tell me who because i knew

i saw him talking to you and that look in your eyes
in your smile,u really love him ,u really do

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

i'm gonna miss u

I'm gonna leave you.
I 'm gonna miss you.

I can't believe that i'm not gonna see you again
that i'm not gonna hear you ever again.

But i will be with you every day in your (heart i will be in your smile).
I know that you won't be able to hear me talking to you.

,but deep in your heart you will know the answer of
any question you needed me for.

Don't forget about me (my best friend ,my precious son
I wish if i could do any thing to change this but it is my destiny

My destiny to know the time of my death and leave the people i love the people i spent my life with.

But baby any time u need me just call my name and don't u ever worry i will be in any hurry.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

looking to the past

No more wasting of times.
No more of asking and wondering.

I have along road to go.
I have adream to make true.

No more of looking to the past
and remembering all that sad.

sad life sad moments i'm just gonna keep smile
with faith in the heart and reason in the mind.

I'm sure that i'm gonna be happy if not
todayt it would be someday.

I know that with hope and faith i will be able to do it
this time i'm gonna do it i swear to GOD i'm gonna do it.

Iowe this not just for them but for me as well.

Monday, June 16, 2008

من انا

سألونى من انا فقلت

انا انسان بلا كيان
لسان هربت منه الكلمات
قلب بلا نبضات

انا طيرمكسور الجناح
انا اسير فى سجن من قضبان
كنت حلم واصبحت سراب

انا انسان احساسه مدفون جواه
انا دمعة حزينة فى دنيا غريبة
من جوايا غربة كبيرة حاسة بوحدة شديدة

the end of the world

You are gonna find the one who will love you
for you not for things about you.

What happened to u it happens every day so u don't have to be this

I know that you need more time to get your self back on track
so you have to be stronger than that.

Prove to your self even before him that you don't need him
and it is not the end of the world because you left him.

Friday, June 13, 2008

بس ابتسم اوعى تضحك

young brother :i'm asking u for afavour.u are gonna do it aren't u?m
big brother : no i'm not gonna do it

young brother :u have to because you owe me
big brother : no i don't owe you any thing

young brother :you owe me since we were inside mum's uterus u owe me all the good
genes u took it from me (the tall ones ,the smart ones

big brother :yeah alright alright i'm gonna do it

الاخ الاصغر:انا طالب منك معروف هتعمله مش كده؟
الاخ الاكبر:لا طبعا مش هعمله انت بتتكلم فى ايه

الاخ الاصغر :بس انت لازم تعمله انت مضطر انت مديون ليا
الاخ الاكبر :لا انا مش مديون ليك باى شئ

الاخ الاصغر :انت مديون ليا من وقت ماكنا جوا رحم امى بكل الجينيات الكويسة الجينات الطويلة والزكية انت اخدتهم منى هههههههههه (اصله حضرته قصيور وغبى موووووووت)

الاخ الاكبر:خلاص خلاص هعمل اللى طلبته

Thursday, June 12, 2008

نفسى القى لحيرتى نهاية

ليه يادنيا دايما تحزنينى وعلى حالى تبكينى
مابقتش قادرة اتحمل ولااكمل

حاسة نفسى عايشة فى وسط غابة
غابة بالوحوش مليانـــــــــــــــــــــة

كل مرة اقول خلاص وصلت وفى النهاية
القاه طريق مسدود وارجع من الاول ابتدى
واقول اكيد المرة دى و برضه القى نفسى رجعت من تانى لمكان مابدأت

كأنى فى متاهة او دوامة بتشدنى اغرق معاها
نفسى القى لحيرتى نهاية

نفسى اغمض عيونى وانام نفسى احس بالامان
نفسى ده يكون بدون ندم ولا ألم من اللى فات ولا قلق من اللى جاى

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

no more crying

No more crying over me. No more hurting because of me.No more of
seeing me.

I'm so sorry i abologize to you because i made you to go through all this.

You watched when i'm dieing believe me i know how hard it was for someone like you.

I'm sorry for causing you pain i'm sorry for seeing me this way.You were
my husband and you still nothing is gonna change this.

But for you i was i'm not any more, so please marry someone else.

Be happy for once if it wasn't for you at least do it for me it is all i'm asking you

Don't tell me that you can't besause you respect me
and your heart belongs to me.

Forget about me i'm not here any more.
Live for yourself and be happy once in your life.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

بتقولى انك حبيتينى

ليه غشتينى وبالكذب خدعتينى
بتقولى انك حبيتينى ؟ياترى هو ده الحب فى نظرك

انتى قسيتى ونسيتى واللى يحب بجد عمره مايقسى عمره ماينسى
نسيتى كل كلامنا واحلامنا ؟ نسيتى عهدك ووعدك

نسيتى كل اللى كان بينا نسيتى كل كلامك ليا ؟نسيتى لما كنت بتقوليلى انت اجمل حد فى دنيتى ديا
ياااااااااه على قسوتك نفسى اعرف نفسى افهم جبتى منين كل الغدر والقسوة ديا؟

تفتكرى هقدر ابدا اسامحك ؟انى هقدر اغفرلك ؟
كسرتى قلبى بالغالى اشتريتك وانتى بالرخيص بعتينى
وجاية دلوقتى تقولى ارجعيلى

بعد ايه ماخلاص محيتك من حياتى وشيلتك من زكرياتى
انسينى زى مازمان نسيتنى لانى بعتك زىما بعتينى
خلاص ماعدش ينفع صدقينى

Sunday, June 08, 2008

حبيبتى صارحينى

قوليلى حبيبتى من فضلك صارحينى ايه اللى ممكن منك تانى يضيع؟

ياترى احساسك بالامان ولا حلمك اللى فضلتى
تحلمى بيه وعشتيله سنين وسنين واللى اصبح
سراب ووهـــــــــــــــــــــــم كبــــــــــــــــــير

ولا ياترى كل شئ جواكى رقيق وبرئ ضاع
واللى ماكانش فى زيه مثيل ولا حتى بديل

ولا حياتك وايامك اللى بتمر يوم بعد يوم وانتى
مش قادرة تحسيها ولا حتى تعيشها واللى مابقتش
تفرق معاكى كتيـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــر

ولا مفهموك للحب وايمانك بيه بعد ما قلبك
انكسر واحساسك انجرح وفقدتى ثقتك بكل البشر

ولا قوتك اللى تحولت الى خوف وضعف كبير
وبقى فى نظرك اسهل شئ هو الهروب وانك
ماتواجهيش حبيبتى صارحينى من فضلك كلمينى


The mum and her daughter they stood infront of the door but the mum said oh GOD ilost the key so what im gonna do nowher daughter said dont worry your daughter is so smart i made copies of the key and igave them to every one in town

الام وبنتها وقوفوا امام الباب ولكن الام قالت ياربى انا
ضيعت المفتاح طب ايه العمل دلوقتى فالبنت قالت ماتقلقيش ولا يهمك انتى عندك بنت زكيه جدااااااااااااا قالتها انا عملت نسخ من المفتاح وادتها لكل واحد فى المدينة

The son made something wrong ,he was afraid of her mother ,he was sure that
she is gonna puinsh him !he said to her u are gonna hit me aren't you?but she told him dont worry your back has an appointment with my hand

الابن عمل شئ غلط وكان خايف من ماماته لانه كان متأكد انها هتعاقبه فقالها انتى هتضربيى مش كده؟فقالتله ماتقلقش ياابنى ماتقلقشظهرك عنده ميعاد مع ايدى

the kid made something wrong but it was agreat thing her mum saw
him but she was too busy even to talk to him so she told him in hurry remember me to hit you
الطفل عمل شئ غلط بس كانت حاجة كبيره فماماته شفته بس كانت مشغوله جدااا حتى انها تتكلم فقالتله وهى مستعجله فكرنى اضربك ههههه

Friday, June 06, 2008

some fresh air

some fresh air it is all i needed
i needed to take adeep breath

i needed to feel that i'm still alive that i can take abreath ineeded to
lookat the sky to see my shining and smiling stars
when i walked and started to think why i have been doing this
why i let them hurt me. even if they did

why i cared about them i shouldn't do this because they don't deserve
because deep in my heart i knew that they don't wish me any good

i don't know why are they jealous of me ?or they just hate me
but i really don't care .let them do what they want to do

it had been a long journey ,along road with so much to do
to get my heart back

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

i need to sleep

i need to get some sleep
i need to close my eyes to
get some rest and peace

i stay wake my whole night and my eyes are closed
i wake up in the morning to find my tears next
to me as they telling me u didn't sleep

i don't know why is this happenning to me. is it as iam afraid of having dreams and nightmares
i hate dreams because they are no thing but alie for me

i hate nightmares because they make me realize that i hate my life
they are reminding me of things things i don't wanna remember

ineed to sleep even for one night in rest and peace with no dreams

Monday, June 02, 2008

something in u

i'm telling u stop hating to your self and to your life
what is the next ?what else to do ?are u gonna commit asucide

do what u are supposed to do
have some believing in u

i know it is hard what are u going through
it is just happenning to u because GOD choose u
he sees something in u , some thing he knows that u can do

may be he is testing u but remember that life is atest u need to succeed and go through
free your self from these thoughts u are much stronger than u ever thought

Sunday, June 01, 2008

please hate me

please tell me what i want to hear tell me that u
hate me ,that u can't stand being with me

so i can be reliefed and live in peace
please say it all i need is to be free

for me u are afriend no more because my heart is already taken long ago
it is not my fault , it is not your fault ,it is not any body fault

u just came too late i don't know the reason why i showed up on your life
i wish if i didn't may be then u wouldn't see me u wouldn't know me please forgive me
