بحث مخصص

Monday, April 21, 2008

your eyes

u are having the most beautiful eyes GOD ever made
u are having the most beautiful eyes i have ever seen

when u are smiling they are smiling too
when u are crying they are crying too but it is not just tears they are just like someone trying to say something

in your eyes i can see the quiet of the night

in your eyes i can see beauty of the day

for me they aren't just eyes they acomplete human being with asoul ,with asmile,with aheart ,with even mind

u are making me so confused sometimes i found u shy even to look at me in the eyes and other times i found u so naughty and that is what i'm loving about u

so GOD please protect her for me


انتى عندك اجمل عيون ربنا خلقها واجمل عيون ممكن اكون شفتها

لما بتضحكى هما كمان بيضحكوا ولما بتبكى هما كمان بيبكوا ولكنها مش مجرد دموع دول كأنهم شخص وبيحاول يقول حاجة

فى عيونك بقدر اشوف جمال النهار

بقدر اشوف هدوء الليل

بالنسبة ليا هما مش مجرد عيون دول كأنهم انسان بحقيقى بروح وابتسامة وقلب وحتى عقل

وعلشان كده بطلب من لربنا انه يباركلى فيكى ويحميكى

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