بحث مخصص

Monday, April 28, 2008

i cry

i need u ireally do so please come back to me
stay with me don't go away from me
i cry every time i remember you .i cry every time i think about you
i need your words those words who make much stronger than iam
did you forget about me?please answer me.please talk to me
i miss u so much i really do i need u beside me the way u always do
i need your support at this hard time where are you the one who was alaways there for me no marrier what

Thursday, April 24, 2008

u are gonna pay

my heart told you what is deep inside but inspite of this you hurt him so badly

he thought that you would be the one who would heal his wounds because you had been the whole world for him

he always wanted you and never cheated on you

but you sold him and it was very cheap
he sold his life and lived but he lives only for you

you are gonna pay for it by your own tears

قلبى قالك على اللى فيه وانت برضه جرحت فيه.
فكرك هتداوى جرحه ماانت كنت الدنيا ليه.

قلبى عمره فى يوم ماخانك باع حياته وعاش علشانك.
قلبى طول عمره شاريك وانت بعته وهان عليك
وبكره تدفع التمن بدموع عينك.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

i'm sorry

i'm sorry if i hurt i reallyi had to but i did'nt mean to

iwish if ican talk to u iwish if ican be honest with u

i know that u don't deserve this
i know that u are the one for me. no one can listen to me but you
no one can talk to me the way you do

but poor me it had been the hardest thing for me
i really broke my heart with my bare hands i hurt my self and i hurt u as well, and idid all of this for what

,for people which for them i'm absolutely nothing(nothing) even to notice or to care about

اسفة لو كنت جرحتك انا كنت مضطرة بس ماكنتش اقصد .
ياريت كنت اقدر اكلمك ياريت كنت اقدر اكون صادقة معاك.

والله عارفة انك ماتستحقش كده
وعارفة كمان انك الواحد لبا مافيش حد بيقدر يكلمنى او حتى يفهمنى زيك انت.

بس مسكينة انا ده كان صعب قرار ممكن اكون اخدته فى حياتى كسرت قلبى بايدى ومش بس كده ده انا كمان جرحتك وعملت كل ده ليه ضحيت بحبى ليك علشان مين؟علشان ناس مش بيهتموا بيا علشان ناس انا بالنسبة ليهم ولا حاجة.

Monday, April 21, 2008

your eyes

u are having the most beautiful eyes GOD ever made
u are having the most beautiful eyes i have ever seen

when u are smiling they are smiling too
when u are crying they are crying too but it is not just tears they are just like someone trying to say something

in your eyes i can see the quiet of the night

in your eyes i can see beauty of the day

for me they aren't just eyes they acomplete human being with asoul ,with asmile,with aheart ,with even mind

u are making me so confused sometimes i found u shy even to look at me in the eyes and other times i found u so naughty and that is what i'm loving about u

so GOD please protect her for me


انتى عندك اجمل عيون ربنا خلقها واجمل عيون ممكن اكون شفتها

لما بتضحكى هما كمان بيضحكوا ولما بتبكى هما كمان بيبكوا ولكنها مش مجرد دموع دول كأنهم شخص وبيحاول يقول حاجة

فى عيونك بقدر اشوف جمال النهار

بقدر اشوف هدوء الليل

بالنسبة ليا هما مش مجرد عيون دول كأنهم انسان بحقيقى بروح وابتسامة وقلب وحتى عقل

وعلشان كده بطلب من لربنا انه يباركلى فيكى ويحميكى

Thursday, April 17, 2008

so unfair

it is s so unfair what i'm going through it really hurts
GOD ifeel like i'm burning from inside i don't deserve this

i wish if there is any thing to do to make me feel better

what is happing to me ?why all this happing at same time?all the bad things came but it came at once as what i'm going through is not bad enough

oh GOD iwanna scream i wanna cry i wanna die
i want to do any
thing tomake this over

i'm sorry but i can't say these things to any one but you. u are the only one who knows how weak i'm right now

GOD it is pain what i'm going through it hurts it really does

GOD i'm asking you
i'm bagging you to make me stronger than this ,i need to face it not to run away from it

i need to be more patient


اللى بمر بيه ده ظلم ده مش عدل ابدا شئ مؤلم بجد.
انا حاسة نفسى بتحرق من جوايا ربى انا مااستحقش كل ده.

ياريت فى اى شئ اقدر اعمله علشان احس انى احسن.
ايه اللى بيحصلى؟وليه كل شئ وحش بيحصلى ؟وليه كله بيحصلى فى الوقت نفسه؟وكأن اللى بمر بيه مش وحش كفاية.

ياربى نفسى اصرخ نفسى ابكى نفسى اموت نفسى اعمل اى شئ انهى بيه اللى بمر بيه ده.
ربى انا اسفة سامحنى على كلامى ده بس انت الوحيد اللى تعرفى مدى ضعفى فى الوقت ده

ربى بتوسل اليك وبطلب منك انك تخلينى اكون اقوى من كده
محتاجه اواجهه مش محتاجة اهرب منه محتاجة اكون صبورة اكتر من كده

we both know

he knows that i know and i know that he knows
that we both in love

but no body talks , no body is gonna talk because

we both know that there is no hope

we both afraid of losing each other
what we have is so special it is the most innocent relatioin you could ever see

it is the most beautiful realtion u could ever had
it is the the purest relation u could ever share

oh GOd we both afraid sometimes i wish if it comes to end

Sunday, April 13, 2008


حاسة بخوف ملكنى
حاسة برهبة اسرتنى

جوايا مشاعر متلخبطة مش قادرة اوصفها واحكيها ولا حتى قادرة اسميها

ياترى ده ليه ؟ومين االسبب؟وياترى ايه العمل

اسيب نفسى اسيرة لخوفى و ضعفى
ولا ادور على نفسى على امل انى فى يوم القاها على امل انها فى يوم ترجعلى

جوايا صرخات صامتة جوايا دموع حارقة

نفسى اصرخ نفسى ابكى نفسى اتكلم نفسى احكى

بس ياترى مين يسمعنى ؟مين يحسنى؟مين يقدر يفهمنى؟

ماليش غير ربى ونفسى فينك يانفسى ياريت ترجعليى

محتاجاك اوى محتاجاكى اوى جانبى

ليه بعدتى عنى وسيبتنى فى الوقت ده حتى انت يانفسى ليه طيب

بدور عليكى من زمان اوى ارجوك ارجعيلى ارجعيلى افهمينى حسينى

محتاجة صبرك وايمانك
محتاجة قوتك وشجاعتك
محتاجة ثقتك فيا وايمانك بيا

عايشة فى جحيم من بعدك فى شئ انكسر جوايا ومش بيتصلح وخايفة مش يتصلح

Thursday, April 10, 2008

keep it for me

for the 1st time from along time i see you happy ,i see you smiling.

I can see it in your eyes
your eyes are shining again

u kept this smile for along time where and why did you keep it?i missed you so much

just today i can say that you came back to me
i can say that we can start over again

oh GOD i wish if i could tell how much i missed you since you had been away
may be you were with me as abody but your soul was some where else

i asked you millions of times what has been changed?i wish if i knew

but i forgot all of this now
so please keep this smile for me
with this smile i can stay with you for ever

with this smile no one can takes me higher

لاول مرة من وقت طويل اوى بشوفك سعيدة وبتبتسمى
انا شايف ده فى عيونك
عيونك بيلمعوا مرة تانية

انتى خبيتى الابتسامة دى وقت طويل اوى فين؟ وليه خبيتها؟
افتقدتك جدا
النهاردة بس اقدر اقول انك رجعتيلى مرة تانيه
النهاردة بس اقدر اقول اننا نقدر نبدأ صفحة جديدة.

ياربى لو اقدر اقولك اد ايه وحشتينى من وقت مابعدتى عنى يمكن كنت موجودة معايا كجسد بس روحك كانت فى مكان تانى.
سألتك ملايين المرات ايه اللى اتغير ؟ومااقدرتش اعرف كان نفسى اعرف.

بس انا خلاص كل ده دلوقتى نسيته
وعلشان خاطرى حافظى على الابتسامة دى
لان بيها اقدر اكمل باقى حياتى معاكى.


Believing is some thing to feel not to hold like the wind you can feel but you can't hold

so (u) who are not believing in GOD just ask your self
and u will know the answer by your self

trust me say his name after me time after time and tell me how does it feel?you felt some thing differient didn't u?u felt safe

i'm telling u one thing (that every thing has to come to an end
every thing great there is another thing even much greatest than him)

.GOD is the greatest and Death is the end
remember that he gives you those pretty eyes to give u the chance to look around

to know how wonderfull he is
for me i say thanks to him for every thing he gave me
and even for things he didn't give me because he knows
the best for me

all u need is to stop for while and think let your heart decide and feel him inside
and trust me you won't regret it


الايمان شئ بتحسه ولكن مش بتقدر تلمسه تمام زى الرياح .
وعلشان كده بقولك انت ياللى مش بتؤمن بربنا اسأل نفسك وانت هتعرف الاجابة بنفسك.

ثق فيا وقول اسمه ورايا مرة بعد مرة وقولى ايه احساسك؟ياترى حسيت بشئ مختلف ؟ياترى حسيت بللامان؟
كل اللى اقدر اقهولك ان لكل شئ نهاية وان كل شئ عظيم فى شئ تانى اعظم منه.

والموت هو النهاية وربنا هو الاعظم.
وافتكر ان ربنا اداك العيون الحلوة دى علشان يديك فرصة انك تبص حواليك علشان تعرف اد ايه هو رائع.

ان دايما بشكر ربى لكل حاجة ادهالى وحتى الاشياء اللى مش ادهالى لانه عارف الافضل ليا.
كل اللى انت محتاجة انك تقف مع نفسك وقفة صغيرة وسيب القرار لقلبك حس بيه جواك وصدقنى عمرك ماهتندم

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

i wanna me again

I need to prove my self for me
i need to getover my fear
i need my believing in me
i need to trust me again
i need to be sure the way i used to be
i wanna that happy ,lucky, funny girl i wanna her again
i need to love my work,to be devoted to it the way i always did
i feel that i have to not that i want to and that is not me
محتاجة اثبت نفسى لنفسى.
محتاجة اتغلب على خوفى وضعفى.
عايزة ايمانى بيها وثقتى فيها مرة تانية.
نفسى اكون واثقة ومتأكدة زى ماكنت دايما متعودة.
نفسى القى البنت اللى كانت بتضحك اللى كانت محظوظةاللى كانت طول الوقت سعيدة.
نفسى فيها
نفسى احب عملى نفسى اكرس نفسى ليه زى ماكنت دايما متعودة
انا حاسة انى مضطرة مش انى عايزة وده مش انا

Sunday, April 06, 2008

answer me

Are u loving me for me?are

u gonna be happy with me?are
u ready to spend the rest of your life with me

Did u full in love with me at the moment u saw me?are u faithful and kind?Do u care what is in my mind

when i'm not with u do u feel that u miss me
that u wanna see me

and talk to me

when u think of me how is your face looks like?is it smiling face or what
if the answer is yes so u are the one for me

Saturday, April 05, 2008

u promised me

i told u the 1 st day i met u not to love me when i told u we are just friends and we can be no thing more
and u promised me

but u didn't keep your promise and u loved me

i told u that because iknew that it was gonna happen that u will full in love with me the same way i full in love with u.

i loved u even before i saw
i loved u even before i know u
at the time we met we didn't have any thing in common , but after awhile.i found my self entering your world
all the time thinking about some thing u said
something u did

i felt like i found my soul mate

i didn't want it to happen
what is coming?what
is gonna happen?that is what i'm worried about

من اول ايام اتقابلنا فيه طلبت منك اماتحبيش لما قلتلك اننا اصدقاء وبس وماينفعش نكون شئ اكتر من كده وانتى وعدتنى
بس ليه ماحفظتش على وعدك ليا وبرضه حبيتنى.

انا طلبت منك ده لانى كنت عارفه انه هيحصل كنت عارفة انك هتقع فى حبى زى ماانا وقعت فى حبك.
بس انا حبيتك من قبل حتى ماشوفك
من قبل حتى مااعرفك
انا عارفه اول مااتقابلنا ماكانش فى شئ مشترك بينا
بس مع الوقت لاقيت نفسى بدخل حياتك

ولاقيت نفسى طول الوقت بفكر فى كلمة انت قلتها او حاجة انت عملتها.
انا حسيت انى لاقيت توأم روحى.
بس ايه الجاى وايه اللى ممكن يحصل هو ده اللى مخوفنى وقلقنى

Friday, April 04, 2008

i have along road

GOD help me i really need u
GOD please don't let me down

i need to be more patient i become so tempre

i need to challenge me again i need to be me again
ineed to struggle the way i used to

i tried so hard but all my tries were useless
i don't know why
all i need is u to be my side i trust u and i love u so much by saying y name i feel safe
i feel that i'm strong

i know that u are gonna help
to make my dream come true
to make
my self happy by making them happy

i have along road to go so help me

ياربى محتاجلك ياربى ماتخذلنيش
محتاجة اكون بس صبورة

محتاجة اتحدى نفسى .
محتاجة ابقى نفسى مرة تانية.
محتاجة انى اكافح بالطريقة اللى اتعودت عليها

حاولت كتير حاولت بجد بس للاسف محاولاتى كلها باءت بالفشل

مش عارفة ايه السبب.كل اللى محتاجه هو انت انك تكون جانبى ربى بثق فيك وبحبك جداااااا
بمجرد انى بزكر اسمك بحس بالامان بحس انى قوية

ياربى اتمنى انك تساعدنى تساعدنى احقق حلمى
وانى ابقى سعيدة بسعادتهم .

عارفة انى طريقى طويل وعلشان كده محتاجلك ربى

Thursday, April 03, 2008

where were u

where were u when i needed u?i waited for u day after day
asking my self what could take him from me
what could keep him away from me

but u didn't show up ,u even didn't send amessage

u made me believe that i was nothing to u and every thing between us was nothing but a lie

all i wanted is to hear from u to make sure u are o.k
u hurt me so badly u broke my heart and u were the only i have evered love

today u are coming back to me asking for forgivenes it is funny isn't?u came back to me the sameday i decided to give up on u
to forget about u
to throw y feelings away

u cameback to me because u needed me no t because u loved me, i know that i meant nothing to
u made me realized that but it was too late

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

real friends

Do u know the relation between your eyes
they are moving together

they are blinking together
they are crying together

they are sleeping together
they are seeing things together

but inspite all of this they don't see each other,that explains how the real friendship should be
what i'm saying that real friends act as they are seeing each other but actually they don't

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

GOD i really need u

oh God i'm so confused i'm not feeling good,i feeling like i'm burning from inside.i'm so confused.i can't even describe the way i feel.it is killing methe words are running from me i tried to talk but i couldn't
God i'm asking u i'm bagging u why this is happing to me ,i become someone else someone that
idon't know
where is me the one who used to talkthe one who used to care the one who used abig
smile which couldn't leave his face.i become like an addict.addict to crying and sadness there .something missing in my heart and i could't even name it
it is had been along time since ilooked for my self but until now i couldn't find itGOD i have no one else to complain to.all the people i loved gave up on me thet forget about me in atime that i needed
them so badly
GOD i know that u created me for reason but i can't do it i can't be the one u wanted
me to be ifeel that i'm so hopless i wished to die millions of time besause i hated my life so muchi can't
live with people all they can do is hurting and lieing
ياربى انا مش حاسة انى بخير انا حاسة انى بتحرق من جوايا.
بتحرق من جوايا.انا حيرانة جدا ويائسة جداااااااا.
انا حتى مش قادرة اوصف الطريقة اللى حاسة بيهاحاساه شعور بيقتلنى.
الكلمات بتهرب منى حاولت اتكلم بس مااقدرتش.ياربى انا بسألك بل بتوسل اليك اك تقولى ليه ده بس بيحصلى.
انا اصبحت شخص تانى شخص تانى مااعرفوشفين نفسى؟فين النفس اللى كانت متعودة تضحك متعودة تتكلماللى كانت عندها ابتسامة كبيرة مش بتفارق وشها.انا اصبحت مدمنة على الحزن والبكا.
فى شئ قلبى مفقود قى قلبى وحتى مش قادره اسميه
بدور على نفسى من وقت طويل اووووى ولحد دلوقتى مش قادرة القاها.ياربى مالقتش حد اشتكيله غيرك.كل الناس اللى بحبهم اتخلوا عنىاتخلوا عنى فى وقت احتجتهم فيه.
ياربى انا عارفه انك خلقتنى لهدف وللاسف مش قاردة احققه انا حاولت بس مااقدرتشياربى اتمنيت الموت ملايين المراتانا كرهت حياتى جداااااااامش قادرة اعيش مع ناس كل اللى بيقدروا يعملوه هو الكذب والجراحwritten by 1/2 doc

forgive me

i loved him from all my heart.i couldn't even tell him.i did this for him not for me

i know that i hurt him
i know that i caused him pain

but i did that because i didn't want him to have hope
i wish if i could tell him that he is love of my life

we are not meant to be toghther.every thing is pulling us apart .i wish if we met in another life may be then we could be toghther

i know that he suuffered because of me but if he suffered days or even months
for me
i suuffered and i'm still suffering
i suffered my whole life

i don't know how it happened but it just happned.i remember the day we met
iknow that he loved me at the moment he saw me from the way he looked at me

oh GOD i wish if i can thell him how sorry iam
iwish if he forgives me

حبيته من كل قلبى.بس مااقدرتش اقوله
انا عملته ده علشانه مش علشانى
انا عرفه انى جرحته وانى ألمته
بس انا عملته ده علشان مااديلوش امل
ياريت كنت اقدر اقوله انه حب حياتى.
احنا مش مقدر لنا اننا نكون لبعض.كل شئ بيبعد عن بعض اتنمى لو كنا اتقابلنا فى حياة تانية يمكن وقتها كنا نبقى لبعض.
انا عارفه انه تعب وعانى بسببى بس لو هو تعب ايام وشهور انا عانيت ومازلت بعانى انا فضلت اعانى طول حياتى
انا فاكرة اليوم اللى اتقابلنا فيه.من نظرته ليا عرفت انه حبنى فى لحظةاللى عينه وقعت عليا
ياربى نفسى اقوله اد ايه انا اسفه
اتمنى انه يسامحنى
