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Thursday, December 11, 2008

How strange is our life!

Some all they know is to live and forgive and others all they know is how to hate and take a revenge

Some all they know is to hide and on the other side some just stay and fight
Some always having a big smile inspite of being hurt deep inside and
on the other hand Some always sad they don't even know how to laugh
Some find it so easy to cry instead of giving it a try and on the other side
Some don't even own the hope because it seems so far to go for but they create it after all
Some people struggle just to be a live and on the other side others all they want is to die and be spirit in the sky

How strange the life we live!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

my eyes look

Now I'm great I'm seeing light up there .Now I see an end to my road and I know that my dream will come true.

My eyes look (your sun is about to come and your world will be full of fun).

And about the drops of my sweat now it is time to forget just remember the smile of my lips.

And you my feet I know that you used to run and I know that was hard but remember the great things you have done

So my heart beat your dream is about to be real and the whole world will see .
